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        ★Compact starting height

        Compared with common cylinder device, pneumatic stroke regulator has a short shape; the smallest one could be compressed to 45 mm in height, while the largest three convolution bellows pneumatic stroke regulator could be compressed to only 122 mm in height.

        ★bending angle 30°

        Pneumatic stroke regulator has an unparalleled bending capacity and can retain the stroke through an arc line without fork joints. The bending capacity of it can reach 30°.

        ★No need for lubrication, maintenance, and an internal operating lever or piston

        Pneumatic stroke regulator is different from common cylinders which have internal operating levers, piston(s) or sliding seal devices. The problem of vulnerability to the sealing components in the suspension device due to dust is eliminated.

        ★Simple and easy installation

        Pneumatic stroke regulators could be easily installed in a small space. This minimizes installation time and costs. With flexible characteristics, the pneumatic stroke regulator could compensate for the uneven sub-grade height caused during the construction.
        ★Long service life

        Because pneumatic stroke regulators have no sliding seal device, it is unlike common cylinders; which are easily damaged by friction.
        Aside from the newly discovered applications for the airspring in the suspension devices of trucks and buses, under unfavorable environmental conditions, it can still maintain normal operations after hundreds of thousands of stroke. Its durability and service life are extremely reliable.

        ★0.8 Mpa maximum allowable working pressure

        Pneumatic stroke regulator contains 2 or 4 PLY inside, so as to make it suitable for bearing 0.8 Mpa of internal pressure, therefore its bearing capacity is greatly increased.

        ★Low cost

        Generally speaking, under the same functional conditions, the initial cost of pneumatic stroke regulator is lower than that of traditional pneumatic or hydraulic cylinders (close to half of the cost). The advantage of this in initial costs is especially evident in large-sized products.


        Cable Tightener

        Pressure Laminating Machine

        Press Roll Regulation Mechanism

        Press Roll Regulation Mechanism

        Pneumatic Valve

        Pneumatic Lifting Platform

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