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        AIR SPRING

        • Full stroke (mm)
        • Bearing capacity (0.5Mpa)(kg)
        • Type
        • External diameter (mm)

        J Series

        In an effective stroke, the air spring regulates the stiffness, height, volume of the cavity and the bearing capacity of the air spring by means of increasing and reducing inflating pressure.


        ZF Series

        In an effective stroke, the air spring regulates the stiffness, height, volume of the cavity and the bearing capacity of the air spring by means of increasing and reducing inflating pressure.


        K Series

        In an effective stroke, the air spring regulates the stiffness, height, volume of the cavity and the bearing capacity of the air spring by means of increasing and reducing inflating pressure.


        H Series

        In an effective stroke, the air spring regulates the stiffness, height, volume of the cavity and the bearing capacity of the air spring by means of increasing and reducing inflating pressure.


        CY Series

        In an effective stroke, the air spring regulates the stiffness, height, volume of the cavity and the bearing capacity of the air spring by means of increasing and reducing inflating pressure.

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